Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fall Spring Cleaning

The internet has actually been working to download pictures, and since it has been a bit touch and go I'm trying to catch up and get my computer files cleaned out and myself back on track while the going is good.

The whole cluster is probably over three inches across. They just don't seem like a typical wildflower.

Some of my favorites, the different color flowers on the same plant and how they complemented the rusty colored rocks. Very neat.

Coral paintbrush.

The bird in the bush - I love the way the colors compliment each other!


The season of blue wildflowers. The field would change with the different wildflowers colors.

I really should have taken pictures of all the different grasses. Fascinating and almost lacy.

So simple, and yet so complicated.

Hey, Bug? Can I take your portrait? Thank you!

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