Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

What will the New Year hold, I wonder.....? (Please sing that to the tune of the song in The Sound of Music - thank you).

I love wondering as the days draw closer to December 31st, what will happen over the next year. I asked my sister as much last night, as she was trying to go to sleep, and she didn't respond, beyond perhaps a mumble. Even when I asked, "did you have any idea that a year ago that we would be sleeping in a barn?" Okay, it's not a barn, as I continually remind family members, "this is a house now - TREAT IT LIKE ONE!" Actually, I don't shout, there might be, on occasion, a very terse note to my voice, but shouting? No. No, no, couldn't possibly. Just too - loud. So anyways, "a barn" is a bit of an exaggeration, but I think you get the idea.

I don't think a year ago I would have imagined being where I am right now; living in a shed, that is trying to be a house, and making progress on the journey, but very slowly. Someday it will grow up, some glorious day. But for now, I will try to savour it's youthful charm as it struggles to join the world of homes.

So I ask myself again, what will the next year hold? I love mysteries, and you know, it is a great big mystery what is around the next bend in the trail.

I hope you all have a wonderful 2011!


Hannah Moss said...

Your poor dwelling has so many names-barn, shed, house, Blue Castle... :)Happy Near Year to you too!

TW said...

Dear Miss Hannah,
Thank you for being such a loyal reader - your comments make me smile! :)



Hannah Moss said...

My pleasure, TW! :)