Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Oh, the luxury...

My grandmother and I got a Caribbean Spa Manicures this morning at James (thanks to a Christmas gift to her from one of my cousins!) and it was lovely! I chose a beautiful color that is somewhere between burgundy and purple with a nice silvered overtone.

I would love to go again.

That being said, here would be my problem: I really enjoyed the lady that did my manicure and she did a lovely job, except, she didn't get the polish right up to my cuticles, which I'm rather particular about. The lady that my grandmother got did an amazing job and when I complimented her, she said that she was a perfectionist and loved doing nails considering it an "art form." Now, I think the actual coating the lady did for me ended up with a better finish. So my problem would be, should I have the same lady do it again and ask her to try to get right up to the cuticles, or would it be better to request the girl that does a good job at applying thorough coverage and just make sure she applies a treatment that would smooth out any imperfections in the nail surface?

I wouldn't want to hurt "L.'s" feelings if she realized I had requested the other girl, and I did enjoy her and we had a common problem that made her a bit of a "kindred spirit", so I would have a problem deciding. Which is why it is probably good that I'm not likely to be going back.

On a slightly different note, I don't make a practise of going to Salons and find the idea a bit intimidating, however I was perfectly relaxed at this Spa and really enjoyed the experience, and the coffee, but I still think I'm not sure about the idea of going to get a massage. (I didn't, in case that isn't clear.)

A little cold in the coffee shop, it's


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