I do think it is healthy to give your nails a few months of rest - only, I'm afraid beauty has won out for me. Even in the winter time, I like to have pretty colors on my toes! I don't see them hardly, but when I do, it's nice.
This came up in discussion between two of my sisters, and the one (I paraphrase) said she did it because she liked to admire them when she showered. Which might seem a little vain, :) but not really when you think about it - Pretty things lift the spirits!
So on Friday I did a pedicure with Sally Hansen's Royal Romance, which is a sort of silvery-pinkish-purple (My sister picks fabulous nail polish colors!). It's actually not my typical shade, but I was in the mood for it and I'm loving the color! My feet spend more time in socks and shoes than not, but when I see them, they make me happy!
What do you think, wintertime pedicures or save it for spring and summer? You never know, next winter I might change my mind, and "health" shall win over beauty. (Honestly, not likely, but.....)
(I'm not endorsing Sally Hansen products. They don't know who I am, they don't know I exist. I have received no monetary reimbursement for mentioning them. Over and out.)
Hmmm, maybe I'll have to go for saving nail polish for when you know you will just be wearing sandals or flip flops...I painted my toe nails about a month ago, but wore socks just about every day after that due to the cold, and very quickly, it chipped, etc. You have to way the pros and cons. Do I care to have wasted a one-time supply of pretty nail polish for when I'm just inside and can wear bare feet, or do I not and like feeling pretty even if no one can see? I don't know- I think both have good reasons behind them. ;)
Ha! I haven't painted my toe nails all winter long, and yet I've worn flip-flops almost every single day. (They're great around the house shoes. :)) So I'm not really sure what to add here... :-p BUT, I do like painting my toe nails, and will once spring comes, and I can actually see my feet! *cough, cough*
I say go for it! I'm always giving myself and family members (mainly my mom) pedicures. Winter time included!
P.S. Thank for commenting on my blog. Love your way of saying bossy!
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