Up in our cabin I have a collection of bark pieces and really pretty grass that looks like lacy wheat. Come time for decorating that should be joined by ceder bows, ivy cuttings, asparagus fern, pumkins, ivory roses with blushing tips, green burlap, ecru ribbon, rose hips, twigs, leaves, etc. And lots and lots of work. I'm looking forward to it!
That invitation was awesome!
What was the reason for the time? Most people have weddings at an hour or half hour mark... :D Anyway, Theresa and I thought it was pretty cool! :-)
The best answer to that question is Jay wanted it that way. :)
It was also something we ran across a lot in politics when they were trying to get the legislators to be punctual. I don't think it worked. Hopefully we'll have better luck! :)
Oh, ok. That makes sense. :D
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