This particular cake really was very fortunate to be in existance. Almost out of butter, almost out of cocoa, and I didn't have enough honey - even though I had already halved the recipe (there are supposed to be two layers of chocolate cake). I did have enough sugar so I substituted, but I didn't think the cake was as good. The honey adds an extra richness that really brings out the chocolate.
A hike up the road and then a turn off down a grassy lane to a wild plum patch, then a little further and there was an elderberry tree. The rose hips were collected on the way back. And, Twiglet decided that those green plums had been green an awful long time and what if they were supposed to be green? They are. Ripe, tasty and very fun. I need to hike up and get some more.
It's only been a few days, but I think I'm ready for another Harvest Cake. The cupboards are restocked, except for the cocoa, which we're going to have to find a local supply for buying in bulk.
Wow! Love the decorations - so pretty... :D
That is beautiful! Great job as always, sis!:-)
Love you all,
That is a GORGEOUS cake!!!
That is a DELICIOUS cake!
Hiya, sis! I've tagged you for the six random things. I know you won't be able to do it for a while but still.....:-D
P.S. Rules and such are on my blog!
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